The Diabetes UK Professional Conference (DUKPC) is the charity’s flagship event and is the main opportunity to gather the community of diabetes professionals together in one place. The objective of the 2018 event was to share knowledge by presenting cutting-edge research funded by Diabetes UK, to educate healthcare professionals, to facilitate networking and to position Diabetes UK at the forefront of diabetes knowledge and research. Based on research conducted after the 2017 event, those involved shared their experiences and hopes with Diabetes UK, and as a result, the charity heard how to build a better future for people with the condition.
The multi-disciplinary programme was designed for maximum delegate learning across many areas of interest, while offering an invaluable opportunity to share best practice and network with colleagues and peers
The event held multiple content sessions over the three days, including named lectures and plenary sessions. Other key elements included a 5km run and workout with 100 participants and the introduction of a primary care course. In addition to the main conference, there were pre-event meetings and a new exclusive Insider Day, a one-day conference which brought the professional message of Diabetes UK to those living with the condition.
A key innovation for the 2018 congress was The Insider day, which was launched in London. Ground breaking research was delivered in an accessible format direct to the people who are most impacted by it. The Insider was a truncated form of the main conference for people with diabetes. This allowed selected presentations at the conference to be made available, and crucially accessible, to a lay audience.
After the 2017 event, the charity’s research aimed to ensure it was making the most of the conference and the platform it gave. The charity wanted to enhance what was already an excellent event and ExCeL allowed the charity to make good on the findings on its strategic review. Diabetes UK is most proud of The Insider. It was a creative way of bringing research to the public. Utilising the in-venue AV set-up reduced costs had the event been stand-alone. The tie-in with the main conference also ensured that the atmosphere carried over onto the new event. There was added value for non-pharmaceutical exhibitors who extended their booking for the Insider and could therefore market directly to people with diabetes.
Posters were presented along with a 290 hour programme of scientific content.
Increase in primary care delegates
Of delegates would recommend DUKPC to other people working in the field.